States of Matter

  1. 2. Liquid becoming solid (8)
  2. 4. Exerted by gases on the walls of a container (8)
  3. 6. Solid changing to liquid (7)
  4. 8. _________ water is denser than fresh water (4)
  5. 9. This may happen if a gass cools enough (12)
  6. 12. Takes up space and has mass (6)
  7. 14. Occurs when bubbles of gas escape from a heated liquid (7)
  1. 1. How gas spreads (9)
  2. 3. A gas that has been heated may become one of these (6)
  3. 5. A liquid that has been heated may become one of these (3)
  4. 6. Brownian __________ is the movement of tiny particles being bumped (6)
  5. 7. Objects usually do this as the become colder (8)
  6. 10. Get bigger (6)
  7. 11. Solid changing to a gas without becoming a liquid (11)
  8. 13. Used to help us understand a phenomenon (5)