- 4. - the state north of Georgia
- 6. - where Hershey Park is
- 11. - the smallest state
- 13. - the state that looks like Vermont upside down
- 15. - known for their cheese and ice-cream production
- 17. - where Boston is
- 20. - if we drive north for 30 minutes, we will eventually be in...
- 21. - where Atlanta is
- 22. - used to be part of Massachusetts
- 1. - where Mr. Lacouture is from
- 2. - surrounded by two of the great lakes
- 3. - north of Alabama
- 5. - the hardest state to spell
- 7. - if we drive south for 30 minutes, we will eventually be in...
- 8. - used to be part of New York
- 9. - has a city with the same name
- 10. - where a legendary horse raise happens every year
- 12. - south of Virginia
- 14. - west of Ohio
- 16. - the only state that has west in the beginning
- 18. - where Disney world is
- 19. - state that looks like Mississippi