
  1. 5. / The first nuclear test was in this state.
  2. 8. / Stapler was invented in this state.
  3. 10. / Only state whose name has one syllable.
  4. 13. / Holds the two larges cities in New England.
  5. 14. / Takes it's name from a Spanish word meaning "snow-clad''
  6. 15. / Means colored red
  7. 20. / The only state with two unique words in its name.
  8. 21. / The first Aquarium was built in this state.
  9. 23. / More turkeys are raised in this state than any other.
  10. 24. / Known as the Show Me State.
  11. 27. / This state was the 25th state.
  12. 31. / The confederate flag was fist flown here.
  1. 1. / Gatorade was named for the University of ______ Gators where the drink was first developed
  2. 2. / Leads the nation in copper production.
  3. 3. / The first baseball game was played here.
  4. 4. / Abraham Lincoln moved to this state when he was seven years old.
  5. 6. / Was named for King George II of England
  6. 7. / The fist nuclear submarine was built here.
  7. 9. / Franklin Pierce was from this state.
  8. 11. / Forget-Me-Not is the official flower.
  9. 12. / First state to require license plates on cars.
  10. 15. / Home to the first helicopter.
  11. 16. / Often called the Wolverine State.
  12. 17. / Law in this state prohibits a citizen to give another citizen a box of candy weighing more than 50 pounds
  13. 18. / The first state.
  14. 19. / State's motto is Oro y Plata which means Gold and Silver
  15. 22. / Named in honor of King Louis XIV.
  16. 25. / The only state that starts with two vowels.
  17. 26. / A true island state.
  18. 28. / Where Abraham Lincoln was born.
  19. 29. / State's motto is Equality before the law.
  20. 30. / Pizza Hut opened its first store in this state.