Staying Active

  1. 3. this hormone increases when you exercise
  2. 6. this is improved when you exercise (long term and short term)
  3. 7. exercise for when you brush your teeth
  4. 8. a way to exercise (relaxing)
  5. 10. how many hours per day we spend sedentary
  6. 11. least amount of exercise reccomended per day
  1. 1. this is reduced when you exercise (heart)
  2. 2. a way to exercise (exciting)
  3. 4. what to do when your muscles hurt
  4. 5. an art embracing the mind and body
  5. 6. this is improved when you exercise (how you feel)
  6. 7. this is reduced when you exercise
  7. 9. an exercise to perform when dressing (arms)