Staying alive

  1. 1. any living organism
  2. 3. it’s in a plant or human keeping them alive
  3. 7. a layer surrounding the cell
  4. 12. each cell has a different job
  5. 13. running/walking
  6. 15. to see micro organisms
  7. 16. a membrane
  8. 18. breathing
  9. 19. a liquid
  1. 2. a wall surrounding the cell
  2. 4. the process of eliminating waste matter
  3. 5. eating food
  4. 6. bound organelle
  5. 8. producing more of 1 creature
  6. 9. it activates photosynthesis
  7. 10. feeling liable to be offended or hurt
  8. 11. it kills micro organisms
  9. 14. a human or creature getting bigger
  10. 17. Movement,respiration,sensitivity,growth,reproduction,excretion,Nutrition