Stella-4th Grade-Week 7

  1. 2. computer memory measurement
  2. 4. deadly
  3. 6. used to type
  4. 8. shiny decoration for a Christmas tree
  5. 9. used to view computer work
  6. 12. a specific order of symbols
  7. 14. repeated symbols
  8. 16. not letters
  9. 17. a,e,i,o,u & sometimes y
  10. 19. a squished circle
  1. 1. used by the TV to sort shows, or and opening for boats/ships
  2. 3. used to dry things
  3. 5. the opposite of to be for
  4. 7. to make a decision
  5. 10. part of a church
  6. 11. a covered route
  7. 13. to make longer
  8. 15. to spread out
  9. 18. an opening to travel through