Stellar World Challenge

  1. 3. Balls of dust and ice that orbit the Sun.
  2. 5. Consists of the Sun, 8 planets, dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids
  3. 8. The Earth is between the Moon and the Sun
  4. 9. How old is the universe
  5. 10. Everything in the universe including stars and galaxies
  6. 13. Enormous spheres of gas. Can vary in color, size, and brightness
  7. 15. Everything that exists in space
  8. 16. Large, spherical celestial bodies. There are 8 in our Solar System
  9. 17. When the Earth spins on its own axis.
  10. 18. Objects that orbit around a planet. The moon is one.
  11. 19. When a planet or moon blocks the Sun’s light.
  1. 1. Changes in the Moon’s appearance from Earth.
  2. 2. Small celestial bodies that orbit stars.
  3. 4. Where the solar system is located.
  4. 6. When the Earth orbits around the Sun.
  5. 7. Groups of millions of stars, planets, gas clouds, and rock fragments. Can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular.
  6. 11. The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth.
  7. 12. Star that provides heat and light to Earth.
  8. 14. Large rocks that orbit the Earth.