Stem Changing Verbs- Angie

  1. 4. I have _______ all of my assignments for the second trimester.
  2. 6. I get _______ at the doctor to play sports.
  3. 9. I love to ______ my violin for other people.
  4. 10. My sister is going _______ to Florida in April.
  5. 11. I ______ a new laptop for Christmas.
  6. 14. I couldn't ________ what my Grandma was saying because she was speaking so fast.
  7. 17. I ______ her charger to her after borrowing it.
  8. 19. My brother said he had to ____ to "protect" me but I don't think he should have.
  9. 20. I ______ a lot of people on Tik Tok but I don't have many followers.
  10. 22. I had to _______ that I did not like cold weather or snow.
  11. 25. I have to ______ my door so that my dog doesn't get into my room.
  12. 26. I ________ to buy my lacrosse equipment.
  13. 27. My mom had to ______ the TV to watch her show.
  1. 1. I ______ on my friend on the phone.
  2. 2. I had __________ my friends in Florida when I was leaving.
  3. 3. My friend loves to make people ______, so he keeps a joyful face on.
  4. 5. I had to ____ down to Florida 3 times this year.
  5. 7. Mr.Kolb is going to ____ us on plants.
  6. 8. I had _____ to get a new iPhone for so long, so finally my parents bought me one.
  7. 12. When I was little, I ______ a lot when I didn't get my way.
  8. 13. My brother _______ my country by being in the military.
  9. 15. I need to ______ for a long time after I have a seizure.
  10. 16. I have _____ in the sink before.
  11. 18. I ______ smoothies over ice cream.
  12. 20. The bell ______ when class is over.
  13. 21. I had to _____ about what to say for my speech in Health class.
  14. 23. I ____ at Tim Hawkins because he do be funny.
  15. 24. My dad promised to _______ the game so that my friend could feel better about themselves.
  16. 28. My friend ______ that she had taken my cheezits even after I saw her take them.