STEM crossword puzzle

  1. 3. A true or false value
  2. 6. To subtract from or decrease
  3. 9. A whole number (not a fraction)
  4. 11. A sequence of characters
  5. 14. Is a numeric value that can have decimal level precision
  6. 15. To add to or increase
  1. 1. A way to repeat code in your program
  2. 2. A symbol or container that holds a value
  3. 4. JavaScript function that prints out a line
  4. 5. ( and )
  5. 7. A variable in a program that has a value that does not change
  6. 8. Breaking your program into smaller parts
  7. 10. The screen in which our graphics programs are drawn
  8. 12. The length between the center and edge of a circle
  9. 13. A message in your code that explains the code