
  1. 4. what we are protecting ourselves from
  2. 8. name of our professor
  3. 10. a long-term effect of asbestos
  4. 11. protects you from inhalation hazards
  5. 13. the fastest route of entry
  6. 14. PPE for touch
  7. 15. what we sterilize equipment in the lab with
  8. 16. province with the most work-related fatalities in 2019
  1. 1. the number one preventable injury in hospitals
  2. 2. author of the project Sterilization
  3. 3. one of the safety methods used in the lab
  4. 5. type of hazard in the lab
  5. 6. song to sing twice while washing hands
  6. 7. one of the sterilization methods
  7. 9. container for needles
  8. 12. who benefits from proper sterilization