Steve Jobs

  1. 1. old was Steve Jobs when he died?
  2. 3. saw his first computer at the age of _________.
  3. 6. cancer/What kind of cancer did Jobs suffer from?
  4. 8. months/How long did Steve Jobs spend traveling India?
  5. 10. means you eat no meat except for what?
  6. 12. Jobs was a college ____________.
  7. 13. mother was ___________.
  8. 14. did Steve Jobs repeat three times before dying?
  9. 16. Brennan/What was Jobs first daughter's name?
  10. 18. Buddhism/What religion did Steve Jobs practice?
  11. 19. eighty-five/What year did Steve Jobs get pushed out of his own company?
  12. 20. hundred and sixty/Steve jobs had an IQ of ____________.
  1. 2. survived off _________ meals.
  2. 4. Jobs was ____________ after being born.
  3. 5. Jobs was born in the month of __________.
  4. 7. Middle School/What school did Jobs grow up and get bullied at?
  5. 9. hundred and forty-six/Jobs is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor for how many patents?
  6. 11. and sixty five hundredths/What was Jobs GPA?
  7. 15. biological father was ___________.
  8. 17. Simpson/Who was Steve Jobs biological sister?