Stirling Engine

  1. 2. the first design or object of something
  2. 5. add and deduct numbers
  3. 9. gross profit
  4. 10. advertising leaflet
  5. 13. it helps an engine move at a steady speed
  6. 14. supplies such as water, gas, electricity
  7. 16. idea of costs, size, value, etc.
  8. 18. fair event where companies show their products (2w)
  9. 19. small hard balls of wood to be burned
  10. 21. data in rows and columns
  11. 22. department responsible for buying
  1. 1. department which builds sth together
  2. 3. a circular movement around a point
  3. 4. fair and sensible
  4. 6. connects the flywheel to the pistons
  5. 7. costs not chargeable to specific projects
  6. 8. an example, usually of a smaller size
  7. 11. with no waste of energy, time or money
  8. 12. normal or ordinary
  9. 15. make someone say 'wow'
  10. 17. without any money
  11. 19. fits inside a tube and moves up and down
  12. 20. in an even way without stopping suddenly
  13. 23. machine for producing electricity