Stitch Up Winter 23

  1. 2. The most common bird in the world
  2. 4. The smallest bird in the world is the bee _____
  3. 6. Which bird did Charles Darwin study on the Galapagos islands to develop his theory of natural selection?
  4. 7. Which animal is known for being wise and appears on our Woodland folklore cushion and napkins?
  5. 8. Which massive seabird can fall asleep while flying
  6. 12. This bird is also a name of a fruit and people from New Zealand
  7. 16. Which body part on a chicken determines the colour of its eggs?
  8. 17. An ostrich’s eyeball is bigger than what other vital organ?
  9. 18. Which bird was hunted to extinction in 1662 only 64 years after Dutch sailors first recorded its existence?
  10. 19. Our third most popular giftware item
  1. 1. Which one of our Christmas decorations huddle together for warmth and can fly underwater?
  2. 3. The name of the Muscovy duck at HMP Foston Hall
  3. 5. A less popular choice to eat at Christmas, which waterbird was first domesticated by humans?
  4. 6. Which pink bird can only eat with its head upside down?
  5. 9. Which animal features on one of our cushions for Knepp and is not a bird?
  6. 10. 32 of these animals were awarded medals in WW2 for carrying messages
  7. 11. Which species of bird can learn around 50 words?
  8. 13. Which bird features on many Christmas cards and has been voted the UK’s most popular bird?
  9. 14. The collective name for a group of eider ducks (hint: FCW makes these in two of our groups and they may be used to cover a bed)
  10. 15. The bird which represents peace and can be found on the kneelers we made for holy trinity