Stories from other Cultures

  1. 3. Mashenka and has family were...
  2. 4. The bear thought Mashenka could see really well. What words did he used to describe her ability to see?
  3. 7. I took Mashenka because I was feeling this....
  4. 9. Mashenka hid in this.
  5. 10. The turtle and the monkey is a story from which country?
  6. 16. Mashenka and the bear is a story from which country?
  7. 17. What two adjectives are used to describe the bananas.
  8. 20. Turtle......, turtle slow, turtle know what turtle know
  9. 21. Who was tricked at the end of the story?
  10. 22. Turtles love to ..... in the river
  1. 1. The bear gave this to Mashenka after she escaped.
  2. 2. Mashenka kept repeating this when the bear sat down.
  3. 5. The part of the top of the tree that is green
  4. 6. Mashenka baked these for the bear to take to her parents
  5. 8. what made the bear run away?
  6. 9. The monkey stole the top of this tree
  7. 11. Turtle placed these at the bottom of the tree
  8. 12. What type of stories are Mashenka and the bear and the Turtle and the Monkey
  9. 13. What two adjectives were used to describe the bear?
  10. 14. After monkey had eaten all of the bananas he was....
  11. 15. After the bear had taken her Mashenka felt....
  12. 18. The moral of the story is that monkey was .....
  13. 19. Monkey nimble, monkey quick monkey play a monkey trick