Storm Safety

  1. 4. Opposite of outdoors
  2. 5. Something you get to prevent illnesses
  3. 6. A type of natural disaster
  4. 10. Source of light
  5. 12. You go to this in case of inclimate weather
  6. 14. A source to get information
  7. 15. This indicates if you are at risk of suffucating from a certain gas.
  8. 16. You are given this before a natural disaster strikes
  9. 17. Something you need in case of a storm
  10. 19. Not in danger
  11. 20. Happens between October and April
  1. 1. Something that has basic everyday items
  2. 2. You have this so that you know what to do in case of inclimate weather
  3. 3. Helps you to feel better
  4. 7. Where to get information
  5. 8. When you are notified about a natural hazard
  6. 9. Don't drown, turn around!
  7. 11. You need protection from this
  8. 13. Theres a area in the US that is known for having these
  9. 18. Something you need in order to live