Storm Safety

  1. 2. Used to predict tsunamis,detects water pressure and seismic activity
  2. 3. A device that can be used to predict eathquakes,hurricanes and floods and
  3. 7. The hurricane scale we use today
  4. 10. One of the preceding events for this is feeling the ground shake
  5. 12. necessity needed that you eat, should be non-perishable
  6. 14. These are weaker than tropical storms
  7. 17. Something you can do to stay safe during a disaster
  8. 18. Things that happen around you to warn that a natural disaster is coming
  9. 19. Staying safe during a disaster
  1. 1. The Saffir-Simpson Scale splits different type of hurricanes into __ based on how strong they are
  2. 4. Winds go up to 300mph
  3. 5. What does PSA stand for?
  4. 6. A medical kit you use during disaster
  5. 8. One of the preceding events for this is an earthquake
  6. 9. A necessity needed that you drink
  7. 11. water storm that happens alot in Florida
  8. 12. A tornado before its finished hitting the ground
  9. 13. Blizzards and lots of snow are an example of __
  10. 15. You should discuss plans for natural disasters with your __
  11. 16. Something you should never drive in during a natural disaster