Stranger at Bay

  1. 2. One of Randy's friends
  2. 4. Randy's homeroom class
  3. 5. Aker author of stranger at bay
  4. 7. High The new school that Randy goes to
  5. 8. company that Randys dad works for
  6. 11. Scotia Province Randy moved to
  7. 12. Academy A school for the specially gifted
  8. 13. The girl Steve is dating
  9. 14. Blond, blue-eyed and bored with anything that didn't focus on him
  10. 15. Forsythe Randy's full name
  11. 16. How Jake got caught
  12. 17. New "friend" Randy makes
  13. 18. Has a family that are very smart lawyers and scientists
  1. 1. Mean stepmother of Randy
  2. 2. lost his job Why Randy moved
  3. 3. the daughter of the people that own the Garden view motel
  4. 6. Name of the teacher Randy corrects
  5. 9. The animal Randy corrected into from the teachers animal she thought was
  6. 10. Cove where Randy
  7. 11. McCormick The girl Jake is dating
  8. 16. Other friend of Randy