Stranger Danger Crossword

  1. 4. The author of the book
  2. 9. the thing Nova gets her foot caught in
  3. 11. something you do when you have a big test coming up
  4. 12. what lotus was doing in the beginning of the book with her dog when she spots something creepy
  5. 14. the name of her dog
  6. 16. what they use to go to town in the beginning of the book
  7. 17. the one trying to kill the 3 teens throughout the book
  8. 18. the last name of the teacher
  1. 1. the setting of the book
  2. 2. where lotus is when something of hers that is later returned is stolen
  3. 3. the bedroom given to lotus
  4. 5. what the teacher is having with his wife
  5. 6. somethings your parents tell you to be aware of when you are younger?
  6. 7. another one of the books genres(things like Scooby Doo or Nancy Drew)
  7. 8. what they use to patch up Nova after her injury
  8. 9. what robin throws at vin
  9. 10. what robin eats throughout the book
  10. 13. something they weren't supposed to bring on their trip
  11. 15. one of the books genres (things like split or the bee keeper)