Stranger Things (Only True fans)

  1. 2. Argyle's workplace
  2. 5. Ice cream parlour that Steve and Robin work at
  3. 6. "What? I'm a fan of____"- Jonathan
  4. 7. Vecna's name
  5. 9. Bob's Nightmares
  6. 10. What's the last name of the brothers who made the show?
  7. 15. Alexei's slurpee
  8. 17. What town do they live in?
  9. 18. _____ wake up!
  10. 20. El's name for Dr. Brenner
  11. 22. Mornings are for
  12. 23. What is El's birth name?
  13. 24. How does Joyce communicate with Will when he goes missing?
  1. 1. Steelworks
  2. 3. What's El's favorite food?
  3. 4. "Most metal concert ever."- Eddie
  4. 6. The Arcade
  5. 8. Robin speaks this many languages
  6. 11. Steve's hairspray
  7. 12. The Battle of ________
  8. 13. Cussed the most
  9. 14. “Friends don’t lie” was first said by this character
  10. 16. The Pollywog
  11. 19. Hopper’s daughter, Sara, died from what illness?
  12. 21. MADMAX's game