Stranger Things Stuff

  1. 1. a jerk of a brother
  2. 6. camp knowhere attendee
  3. 7. Cherry slushy
  4. 9. Skateboard
  5. 10. Flayer The giant black spider thing
  6. 12. a black place
  7. 14. the show
  8. 15. Telekinetic
  9. 16. will's mom
  1. 2. Slingshot
  2. 3. Sheriff
  3. 4. eleven's boyfriend
  4. 5. billys love interest
  5. 6. Super cute but eats people
  6. 8. town they live in
  7. 11. the number of seasons
  8. 13. kidnapper
  9. 14. has the best hair around