Stranger Vocab Rachel Kirley

  1. 3. Someone shows ____ when watching something sad.
  2. 5. The flight took more time and was ______.
  3. 7. Murders are considered _________.
  4. 9. Sad people are often uncommunicative.
  5. 10. Treating details with care
  6. 14. Lawyers have to be _____ when in court.
  7. 15. Katniss Everdeen has a lot of ______.
  8. 18. Warm heart felt friendliness
  9. 21. To punish in order to correct.
  1. 1. Avoiding someone when you don't like them.
  2. 2. Kids are usually very _________.
  3. 4. It is _______ that dogs understand humans.
  4. 6. She gave the baby a pacifier to _____ her.
  5. 8. A microphone helps one be _______.
  6. 11. Mad at something unjust.
  7. 12. Pointless
  8. 13. Most animals are ________.
  9. 15. Small quantity
  10. 16. Boldness
  11. 17. Given to immoral or improper conduct
  12. 19. Turtles _______.
  13. 20. To express criticism