Stranger With My Face

  1. 4. What house does Laurie live in?
  2. 5. Laurie found out she was ……………?
  3. 6. When Laurie astral projected herself to find help, who saw her?
  4. 9. Where is Helen repeating her senior year?
  5. 13. What family was Lia living with?
  6. 15. Who broke things off between Laurie and Gordon?
  7. 17. Other than Gordon, who else saw Laurie on the beach the night of the dance?
  8. 18. How old is Laurie Stratton?
  9. 20. Who calls Lia, Laurie’s ‘Ghosty’ thing?
  10. 21. What city did Jeff have his surgery in?
  11. 22. One Afternoon Lia didn’t wake up, what did they do to her body?
  12. 23. How does Laurie get to school?
  13. 24. What is Laurie’s real sister’s name?
  14. 25. Who saved Laurie and Jeff from the caverns?
  15. 27. What is Laurie’s mother?
  16. 28. When Laurie’s parents adopted her, what city were the living in?
  17. 29. Who had a crush on Laurie for a long time?
  18. 30. What does Laurie eat that makes Megan think it’s not the real Laurie?
  1. 1. What type of writer is Laurie’s father?
  2. 2. How many siblings dose Laurie have living with her?
  3. 3. Who was Laurie dating in the beginning of the book?
  4. 7. Where is Laurie going after high school?
  5. 8. What does Megan think lives in the caverns?
  6. 10. Who gave Laurie a Necklace that’s supposed to protect her form evil spirits?
  7. 11. Who said, “Lia forced her off the cliff?"
  8. 12. How does Lia visit Laurie?
  9. 14. What island does the Stratton’s live on?
  10. 16. Where are Helen and her family moving when Helen gets better?
  11. 19. What kind of eyes did Helen say Lia had?
  12. 26. What background does Laurie have?