Street Law

  1. 3. any intentional, unlawful physical conduct inflicted on one person by another person without consent
  2. 7. aka malicious mischief, is willful destruction of, or damage to, the property of another
  3. 9. is the unlawful taking of property from a person's immediate possession by force or intimidation
  4. 11. the state or federal government's attorney in a criminal case
  5. 12. the amount of jurors in federal court
  6. 13. this amendment grants individuals freedom from self-incrimination
  7. 14. a form of larceny, taking items from a store without paying or intending to pay for them
  8. 15. the person charged with committing the crime
  9. 16. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year
  10. 17. the people directly concerned with or taking part in any legal matter
  11. 18. a minor who has committed an act that would not be a crime if committed by an adult, such as truancy from school
  1. 1. any attempt or threat to carry out a physical attack upon another person
  2. 2. an unlawful taking and carrying away of property of another person against his or her will with intent to permanently deprive the owner of it
  3. 4. taking away a person against that person's will
  4. 5. a crime punishable by less than a year
  5. 6. the willful and malicious burning of a person's property
  6. 7. latin term used for the process of selecting a jury
  7. 8. the most serious form of criminal homicide, is killing that is done with malice
  8. 10. the idea that every person involved in a legal dispute is entitled to a fair hearing or trial