Street Law Midterm Review

  1. 1. severe crime which carries a jail sentence of more than 1 year
  2. 2. When you are taken to the jail after being arrested, the police obtain biographical information about you, fingerprint you, and take your photograph.
  3. 7. all law that does not involve criminal matters. Usually deals with private rights of individuals, groups, or businesses
  4. 12. Killing done with malice but without premeditation or deliberation.
  5. 13. This is Kim Ogg's role/position in Harris County.
  6. 14. The act of following or harassing another person, causing the fear of death or injury.
  7. 16. the branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishment
  8. 19. the state or federal government’s attorney in a criminal case.
  1. 1. The act of killing that is premeditated, deliberate, and done with malice.
  2. 3. Death caused through criminal negligence (failure to exercise reasonable or appropriate care.)
  3. 4. This is Ken Paxton's role/position in Texas.
  4. 5. Taking away a person against that person’s will
  5. 6. minor crime which carries a jail sentence of less than 1 year
  6. 8. a formal process to limit the freedom of a suspect without the possibility for them to walk away
  7. 9. The _____ amendment protects people who have been arrested from excessive bail
  8. 10. the part of the arrest process where cops read someone their rights before they are taken into custody
  9. 11. the step in the arrest process where a person of interest is held for questioning
  10. 15. Any intentional, unlawful physical contact inflicted on one person by another without consent.
  11. 17. An intentional threat, show of force, or movement that causes a reasonable fear of, or actual physical contact with another person
  12. 18. After you are arrested, the police officer writes a statement of the essential facts constituting the offense you are charged with, also known as an affidavit