Streptococcus Species

  1. 6. this type of node is part of the body’s immune system found in the neck and can swell up when infected.
  2. 8. this type of hemolysis is incomplete and has green hemolysis on the blood agar.
  3. 13. throat culture results are usually ready in about this many days.
  4. 14. this can be a symptom of strep throat, which makes the head hurt.
  5. 15. scientist can learn which proteins are responsible for virulence by studying this part of the bacteria.
  6. 16. to test for streptococcus group A, a sample swabbed from the throat is put on this type of special plate that enables bacteria to grow in the lab.
  7. 17. this fasciitis also known as the flesh eating disease can occur from streptococcus group A.
  8. 20. (no space) scientist have determined the genetic sequence as called this for 5 strains of group A streptococcus.
  9. 22. when doing the throat culture the doctor might use a flat stick known as tongue ____ to hold the tongue down to get a clear view and sample of the throat.
  10. 23. this is a class of medications used to treat the infection.
  11. 25. the name of group B in the streptococcus family.
  12. 26. when the throat is swabbed with the cotton swab the objective is to collect a sample of this.
  13. 27. streptococci are also classified by this way which is the destruction of red blood cells so the oxygen pigment hemoglobin is put into the medium.
  14. 30. group b strep can cause pneumonia, blood infections and meningitis in this group of people.
  15. 32. strep throat infections doesn’t usually include this type of symptom that includes sneezing, coughing or a runny nose.
  16. 36. the bacteria can spread by this when a person who has the bacteria coughs or sneezes.
  17. 38. this type of hemolysis is clear and has complete lysis of red blood cells on the blood agar.
  18. 39. a severe infection from group A streptococcus can be this where there is a infection in the bloodstream.
  19. 40. to prevent the infection from spreading, do this with your hands regularly.
  20. 42. blisters that form near the mouth and nose or arms and legs can be a mild illness from streptococcus group A.
  21. 43. when there is no hemolysis on the blood agar it is considered this.
  22. 44. if a pregnant woman has group B strep, they must receive this route of antibiotics to prevent the baby from receiving it.
  23. 47. health experts have estimated this number in millions of mild infections of group A streptococcal occur every year.
  24. 48. this system in the body is responsible for defending the body from outside invaders that can cause illness.
  25. 49. the bacteria cannot propel itself through their environment causing them to be this.
  26. 50. most streptococci are this type of anaerobe where it can grow with or without the presence of oxygen.
  1. 1. this specific class of antibiotics are primarily the treatment for streptococcus infection that includes penicillin and vancomycin.
  2. 2. streptococci are members of the normal ___ on the skin where the usually live on human skin without causing disease.
  3. 3. the name of group A in the streptococcus species.
  4. 4. antibody to this protein will give type specific immunity to the group A streptococci.
  5. 5. only during this specific time should a woman be given intravenous antibiotics to protect the baby from infection.
  6. 7. this type of acid capsule is included in the virulence factors of group A streptococcus, and it inhibits phagocytosis.
  7. 9. there are more than 120 different strains of group A streptococci bacteria’s and they each produce their own unique _____.
  8. 10. this toxin causes the rash for scarlet fever.
  9. 11. this group of people are most common in catching the infection.
  10. 12. a bacteria that causes strep throat infections.
  11. 18. (two words no space) during this week of pregnancy woman are recommended to get tested for group B streptococcus.
  12. 19. this can happen when you experience nausea as a symptom of strep throat caused by streptococcus.
  13. 21. antibiotics given by this route have proven to not be effective at preventing group B streptococcus in babies.
  14. 24. (two words no space) an illness that can happen after the infection that causes a red rash on the body.
  15. 28. streptococci are classified based on colony ____ the visual characteristic of the bacteria on a agar plate.
  16. 29. this maternal antibody protects the neonate against group B streptococcus.
  17. 31. this bacteria can spread easily from person to person making it this.
  18. 33. if the bacteria doesn’t grow then the test is this, so the patient doesn’t have the strep throat infection.
  19. 34. strep throat is most common during spring and this other season.
  20. 35. woman who do test positive for group B streptococcus usually show no symptoms but are at _____ risk for passing it to the baby during birth.
  21. 37. when the bacteria is tested by gram stains the results include the chemical dye staying on the bacteria making it gram ___.
  22. 41. this is another infection that can occur from streptococcus that inflames the air sacs in the lungs.
  23. 45. this can become swollen and have white patches on them.
  24. 46. inflammation of this organ can happen if the infection progresses.
  25. 51. streptococcus bacteria is this shape.