
  1. 4. this type of stress is caused by an illness, injury, or disability
  2. 5. this stressor is called a life ____ because it usually just happens once. Examples include death of a loved one or divorce of parents
  3. 8. when we are stressed, the _____ system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced
  4. 9. anything that causes stress- could be a person, place, or thing
  5. 10. uneasy/worried about what may happen
  6. 11. True/false: All stress is bad
  7. 13. =mind
  8. 16. this stage of stress causes the body to become tired and have a low level of energy
  1. 1. how we look at a situation through our senses
  2. 2. this type of response causes an illness or injury caused by stress
  3. 3. negative stress; prevents what you need to do or causes discomfort
  4. 6. this type of stress includes natural disasters or feeling you are in an unsafe area
  5. 7. this type of stress includes illness, disease, and injury
  6. 12. positive stress; stress that helps you to accomplish your goals
  7. 14. this type of stress is ongoing and is not going to go away
  8. 15. the reaction to everyday demands