Stress & Anxiety

  1. 3. the negative stress response
  2. 6. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  3. 8. any stress that is experienced for a long time
  4. 11. any action taken on the environment due to stress
  5. 13. the thoughts one has and the actions one takes to tolerate, reduce, or minimize the effects of stress
  6. 16. the positive stress response
  7. 19. unpredictable, large-scale events, such as natural disasters or devastations
  8. 20. the process by which we perceive and respond to circumstances that we appraise as challenging
  1. 1. a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body
  2. 2. physical experiences that threaten homeostasis
  3. 4. our reaction to the stressors we experience
  4. 5. stress that is caused by the physical or social environment
  5. 7. include a wide range of social and interpersonal experiences, from daily hassles to major life events, that threaten homeostasis
  6. 9. stress that is created from the demands or expectations to perform or conform
  7. 10. a change in emotion or mood due to stress
  8. 12. an almond-shaped structure in the temporal lobe
  9. 14. stress that arises when one is expecting to encounter a stressor
  10. 15. a protective casing at the end of a strand of DNA
  11. 17. experiences that threaten homeostasis
  12. 18. big events that occur in a person’s life