Stress is a MESS!

  1. 4. If you don't stay healthy then you can have a heart ______.
  2. 6. People with heart burn experience _____ pain.
  3. 7. Fat-like substance in all body cells; needed for essential body processes.
  4. 9. This is known as "Bad Cholesterol".
  5. 10. You can have a good _____ through exercise.
  1. 1. You need to ________ and have a balanced diet to be healthy.
  2. 2. What is a condition in which the body can't control its blood sugar?
  3. 3. Stress can make you eat chocolate and ice cream which is high in ___.
  4. 5. This is known as "Good Cholesterol".
  5. 8. You need to maintain a _______ weight if you want to live longer.