Stroke and Heart disease and Diabetes

  1. 2. Causes the lens in your eye to become cloudy
  2. 5. high blood pressure
  3. 7. Type of fish with healthy fats
  4. 8. Condition that in which blood glucose is high
  5. 10. Type of "fats" to limit
  6. 11. one of the risk factors for heart disease
  7. 12. Type of test to diagnose diabetes
  8. 13. Nutrient that helps to prevent constipation and control blood sugar
  1. 1. Healthy type of fats
  2. 3. Causes plaque to collect on the inside of the arteries
  3. 4. Hormone that helps glucose get into the cells
  4. 6. Avoid "......" foods as much as possible
  5. 9. Another way to call "salt"