Structure of parliament mega crossword

  1. 4. The lower house of the Victorian Parliament is called the Legislative…
  2. 5. The upper house of Victorian Parliament is call the Legislative…
  3. 6. Victorian representative of head of state
  4. 8. System of government where laws must pass through two different houses
  5. 10. Speech given by a minister introducing their bill for debate
  6. 12. The current leader of the Victorian Government is Daniel…
  7. 13. Government that governs all of Australia
  8. 15. Australian representative of head of state
  9. 17. Members of the government with special responsibilities for particular issues
  10. 19. Type of democracy where people vote for delegates to represent them
  11. 20. Government that governs Victoria
  12. 21. Small group of ministers who that make a lot of the decisions of the government
  13. 22. Who elects the leader of the government – the citizens or the government?
  14. 23. House of parliament where bills (proposals for new laws) are introduced
  15. 24. The organisation made up of elected representatives, also the physical place they meet
  16. 25. Document with rules about how the federal government works
  17. 28. Type of power held by parliament to make laws
  18. 29. Type of power held by minister and government departments to administer laws
  19. 32. Are the structure of the Victorian and Federal Parliaments the same?
  20. 33. Upper house of the federal parliament
  21. 34. What must occur to change the constitution?
  22. 35. Political party currently forming government in Victoria
  23. 37. The current leader of the Australian government is Malcolm…
  1. 1. The member of parliament that enforces rules and goes through the agenda
  2. 2. Type of power held by courts to interpret and apply laws
  3. 3. System of government where people rule themselves
  4. 7. Parliamentary system developed in the UK (on which our system is based)
  5. 9. The lower house of the Federal Parliament is called the House of…
  6. 11. Parliamentary session where the opposition ask the government questions
  7. 14. Geographical area with its own elected representative
  8. 16. Title given to the leader of the government
  9. 18. The location of the Federal Parliament
  10. 26. Political party currently forming the Federal government
  11. 27. House which reviews bills when the pass the other house
  12. 30. What must occur to form a new parliament?
  13. 31. Place starting with H where a group of elected representatives pass laws
  14. 36. Australian head of state who must approve all laws