Structure of the Nail

  1. 6. grove, crease, line, indentation
  2. 9. protein that is harder in nails than in hair
  3. 11. portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward free edge
  4. 13. hardened keratin plate that sits on and covers the nail bed
  5. 14. attaches nail plate to nail bed
  6. 16. visible part of the matrix--whiteish half moon
  1. 1. tissue bordering the root and sides of nail
  2. 2. also called onyx; hard protective plate composed of mostly keratin
  3. 3. extends over the tip of finger or toe
  4. 4. aka lateral nail fold; the fold of skin overlapping the sides of the nail
  5. 5. dead tissue attached tot he nail plate
  6. 7. also called natural nail
  7. 8. area where nail plate sells are formed
  8. 10. furrow on each side of the nail
  9. 12. living skin at base of nail plate
  10. 15. folds of normal skin around the nail plate