Evolution and Structures

  1. 8. Serves no use or function (Ex: Backbone)
  2. 9. Organism adapt to fit into the environment (Ex: Darwin's finches,and Hawaiian silver swords)
  1. 1. 2 unrelated species that live in the same place causing them to look alike (Ex: dolphin and a shark)
  2. 2. 2 organisms evolving together over time (Ex:Flowering plants and their pollinators)
  3. 3. Same origin,different function (Ex: Wings of bats and arms of humans)
  4. 4. Slow evolution over time (Ex:a bird with a longer beak than others)
  5. 5. quick variations during rapid change (Ex: Rapid Change three different colored butterfly's)
  6. 6. 2 species with a common ancestor that live apart causing them to look different(Ex: Elephants and Mammoths)
  7. 7. Different origin, same function ( Ex: Wings of a bird and Wings of a Butterfly)