Structures and Cells

  1. 2. Helps highlight details when viewing a slide
  2. 6. Produces energy for the cell
  3. 9. Found only in plant cells, supports the shape of the cell
  4. 10. ________ apparatus
  5. 11. Smallest thing to be considered alive
  6. 14. Stores waste in the cell
  7. 15. Made up of many cells
  8. 16. Semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cell
  9. 17. First month of the year
  10. 18. Made up of different organs
  1. 1. Webster's first name
  2. 3. Made up of different tissues
  3. 4. Scientist who first viewed cells (last name)
  4. 5. Stomach would be an example
  5. 7. Smooth/Rough Endoplasmic __________
  6. 8. Organelle only found in plant cells
  7. 12. Respiratory System would be an example
  8. 13. Acts like the brain of the cell
  9. 16. Jelly like substance inside the cell