Structures and Purposes of Art Forms (Dance)

  1. 2. Every movement takes a certain amount of ____ .
  2. 4. Associated with the Roaring ’20s, this highly syncopated dance has its roots in the African-American South.
  3. 6. Celebrating life events, religious rituals, and other occasions reflecting world cultures and traditions.
  4. 10. A choreographic structure that follows a specific story line to convey specific information through a dance.
  5. 11. When the music stops, and the tap dancer has a solo with only the sound of the tap shoes making a percussion solo—like a drum solo in a jazz composition.
  6. 12. Movements such as walking,running, leaping, hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping, and sliding.
  7. 13. Has its roots in ceremonial dance from West Africa, traditional Irish step dancing, and English clogging.
  8. 15. stretching and bending, pushing and pulling,rising and falling, twisting, turning and spinning, and swinging and swaying.
  9. 18. A person who creates dances from movements.
  10. 21. the area that the human body occupies.
  1. 1. A means of social interaction as with folk or ballroom dance.
  2. 3. This kind of dance was first performed by Isodora Duncan in 1903 at the Parthenon in Athens,
  3. 5. Performed on a stage for an audience as in a ballet, modern jazz, or tap dance.
  4. 7. a three-part dance compositional form in which the third section is a restatement of the first section and can be in a condensed, abbreviated, or expanded form.
  5. 8. dance is a method of _____.
  6. 9. A theatrical dance style that is built on a strict set of movements that were standardized in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  7. 14. This refers to the amount of energy it takes to execute a movement.
  8. 16. as a rebellion from the stiff ballet style of dance.
  9. 17. (Abbreviation) A structure often associated with African music and dance forms,although it is also used elsewhere, including classical, folk, traditional, and other primal forms.
  10. 19. A dance structure with three or more themes where one theme is repeated.
  11. 20. A dance compositional form made up of two contrasting sections,each of which may or may not be repeated.