Structures Involved in Respiration

  1. 1. the entire respiratory tract is lined with this
  2. 5. the _ is where air travels before splitting into the bronchi
  3. 6. this nerve is attached to the diaphragm
  4. 10. the _ are the smallest airways and branch out from the bronchi
  5. 12. when these muscles contract, the thoracic cavity volume decreases
  6. 13. the epiglottis lays atop this tissue and separates it from the larynx
  7. 16. the _ are the site of gas exchange between the lungs and the blood
  8. 17. the _ is the first port of entry for air entering the respiratory system other than the mouth
  9. 19. these cells secrete mucus
  10. 20. this is made up of the Nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx
  1. 2. the _ ensures food does not enter the airway
  2. 3. these muscles are responsible for expanding the thoracic cavity by contracting
  3. 4. the _, the larynx and nasal cavity all make up the upper respiratory tract
  4. 7. these muscles are involved in respiration as they line the thoracic cavity
  5. 8. another name for these are the pharyngeal tonsils
  6. 9. The contraction and relaxation of your _ controls thoracic cavity volume
  7. 11. there are two primary _ in the respiratory tract that allow air to pass following the trachea
  8. 14. these are the connecting piece between the bronchioles and the alveoli
  9. 15. these are short small hairlike structures that line certain epithelia
  10. 18. without the _ which holds the vocal cords, you could not speak