Structures of the Cell

  1. 2. The liquid part within the cell membrane.
  2. 7. The structure that sorts, modifies, and packages proteins to be transported throughout the cell.
  3. 10. The inner part of the nucleus that creates ribosomes for the cell.
  4. 12. The packages within the cytoplasm that work to transport proteins.
  5. 13. The structure found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that allows movement.
  1. 1. the cells activities and contains the DNA.
  2. 3. The structure within the cytoplasm that recycles old and worn out organelles.
  3. 4. The powerhouse of the cell that converts glucose to ATP.
  4. 5. The instructions for making proteins.
  5. 6. The central hub of the cell that
  6. 8. The structure that creates proteins for the cell.
  7. 9. The outer barrier of the cell that controls what enters and exits it.
  8. 11. The structure that stores water and on occasion waste.