Student Affairs

  1. 3. Our team mascot.
  2. 6. Students meet with this office for help with their resumes.
  3. 8. A building where students go for help with financial aid.
  4. 10. The office which hosts Welcome Back Days.
  5. 12. This department supports students who compete in the Michigan Community College Athletic Association (MCCAA) and Region XII of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)
  6. 13. The office that hosted you today.
  1. 1. An online program students complete before registering to help them get acquainted with the college.
  2. 2. The system faculty use to identify students who may need an intervention for success.
  3. 4. A set of principles, expectations, and/or rules that are given to students to make sure that the expectations that the school has for behavior are clearly communicated to them.
  4. 5. Where students can go for help with stress management.
  5. 7. The office students visit for mid-term and finals or course placement.
  6. 9. The office that processes grades and transcripts.
  7. 11. Where students go for help selecting their classes.