Student Birthdays

  1. 2. Birthday in May (5 letters in first name, starts with "C")
  2. 3. Birthday in May (8 letters in first name)
  3. 6. Birthday in August
  4. 8. Birthday in November (6 letters in first name, girl)
  5. 9. Birthday in May (5 letters in first name, starts with "J")
  6. 12. Birthday in December (4 letters in first name)
  7. 14. Birthday in September (girl)
  8. 16. Birthday in April
  9. 17. Birthday in May (6 letters in first name, starts with "K")
  10. 20. Birthday in January (7 letters in first name)
  11. 22. Birthday in January (4 letters in first name)
  12. 23. Birthday in December (6 letters in first name, starts with "Z")
  13. 24. Birthday in June (5 letters in first name)
  1. 1. Birthday in February
  2. 4. Birthday in October
  3. 5. Birthday in November (6 letters in first name, boy)
  4. 7. Birthday in May (6 letters in first name, starts with "A")
  5. 10. Birthday in June (7 letters in first name)
  6. 11. Birthday in November (5 letters in first name)
  7. 13. Birthday in January (6 letters in first name)
  8. 15. Birthday in March
  9. 18. Birthday in December (6 letters in first name, starts with "A")
  10. 19. Birthday in September (boy)
  11. 21. Birthday in December (5 letters in first name)