
  1. 5. A term used by Hobb and Dunningham to describe how globalisation has changed the nature of gangs which now have international links but crime is still rooted in a local context.
  2. 6. A cause of crime identified by left realists.
  3. 8. A type of subculture that arises in areas with high population turnover which prevents a stable criminal network developing.
  4. 11. Examined how the Chechen mafia "franchised" its operations other groups and the Chechen mafia became a brand.
  5. 12. A subculture identified by Cloward and Ohlin. This type of subculture allows an apprenticeship onto the criminal career ladder.
  6. 13. Argued criminals make a calculation based on costs and benefits.
  7. 15. Left realist thinker who worked with Jock Young. Argued relative deprivation leads to crime.
  8. 16. A left realist cause of crime. Suggests those who do not have a voice commit more crimes.
  9. 18. A criticism of environmental and situational crime prevention- crime moves to other areas.
  1. 1. Worked with Wilson on the "Broken Windows" study which was influential in environmental crime prevention.
  2. 2. Researched the impact of situational crime prevention in a New York bus terminal.
  3. 3. Subcultural theorist who argued the lower class have a different set of values from the mainstream which leads to deviant subculture.
  4. 4. A right realist thinker who argued crime is increasing due to a growing underclass.
  5. 7. The type of subculture people join if they are not successful in joining a gang or becoming a gang leader. According to Cloward and Ohlin these are "double failures."
  6. 9. A sociologist who found that the global criminal economy is worth £1 trillion per annum.
  7. 10. A right realist explanation of crime put forward by Wilson et al that suggests personality traits lead to crime e.g. risk-taking.
  8. 13. Argued boys suffer status frustration in school and they resolve this by joining delinquent subcultures.
  9. 14. A neo-marxist who argued globalisation has created crime at both ends of the spectrum (rich and poor).
  10. 16. Criticised subcultural theories for ignoring drift.
  11. 17. A project in a pre-school that examined the impact of social and community crime prevention.