Studies & word roots

  1. 7. three
  2. 8. lack of blood or hemoglobin
  3. 10. one who administers anesthesia
  4. 11. arm
  5. 12. kneecap
  6. 13. skull
  7. 16. cold
  8. 17. study and treatment of the aged
  9. 21. study of the nervous system
  10. 22. study of
  11. 24. vomiting
  12. 25. specialist in a field of a study
  1. 1. care / treatment of children
  2. 2. fear
  3. 3. practical application of science
  4. 4. study of the body structure
  5. 5. medical specialty concerning pregnancy and birth
  6. 6. four
  7. 9. male
  8. 14. single celled animals
  9. 15. use of radiation in diagnosis and treatment
  10. 18. heart
  11. 19. pertaining to a vein
  12. 20. many
  13. 23. half