
  1. 1. the sixth step of the scientific method is to analyze _
  2. 3. the fifth step of the scientific method is to observe and _
  3. 9. relative _ is a measure of the amount of water vapor that air is holding compared to the amount needed for saturation at a specific temperature.
  4. 10. the _ is the layer of the atmosphere nearest to Earth's surface.
  5. 12. The boundary between cold and warm air masses
  6. 15. Areas of low _ usually have cloudy weather.
  7. 19. the hypothesis that the continents slowly moved apart is called _ drift
  8. 20. a vast underwater chain is called a mid _ ridge
  9. 21. the process that takes rocks inside the earth
  1. 2. the _ is used to measure temperature
  2. 4. when a scientist has tested their hypothesis, they must _ and record
  3. 5. the second step in the scientific method is to form a _
  4. 6. the _ are the first to reach a seismograph after an earthquake.
  5. 7. the fourth step of the scientific method is to _ the hypothesis
  6. 8. the first step of the scientific method is to _ the problem
  7. 11. plates move apart at _ boundaries
  8. 13. the third step in the scientific method to design an _
  9. 14. a scientific law describes a _ in nature
  10. 15. the _ waves are the first to reach a seismograph after an earthquake.
  11. 16. The process of liquid changing to a gas at the surface of the liquid is called _
  12. 17. are the first to reach a seismograph after an earthquake.
  13. 18. the seventh step of the scientific method is to draw _