study guide

  1. 4. definition of keeping things clean
  2. 8. how to that out foods
  3. 9. the only fungi
  4. 10. white spots in throat
  5. 12. another word for dry storage
  6. 13. there are 3 types of this
  7. 16. physical hazard
  8. 18. whole turkey
  9. 19. a chemical hazard
  1. 1. stuffing/leftovers
  2. 2. can get it from mold
  3. 3. can get from human skin
  4. 4. raw veggie
  5. 5. what goes in the drawer in the fridge
  6. 6. there are 10 types of this
  7. 7. beef steak, roast, seafood
  8. 11. what to use for refrigerator storage
  9. 14. goes in the freezer
  10. 15. what to look for when food spoils
  11. 17. symptom include clay color stool