  1. 2. Other name for transparent dentin (9)
  2. 8. Accentuated contour lines of ____ because of disturbances in the matrix and mineralization process (4)
  3. 9. Primary dentin minus mantle dentin (12)
  4. 11. They are 1μm or less in diameter and originate more or less at right angles to the main tubule (10)
  5. 13. Located always adjacent to the pulp tissue and is 2 to 6 micrometers wide (9)
  6. 14. Other name for reparative, response, or reactive dentin (8)
  7. 15. Prenatal and postnatal dentin are separated by ___line (8)
  8. 16. Dentin that immediately surrounds the dentinal tubules (11)
  9. 17. Dead tracts are filled with____ (3)
  10. 18. Enamel _____ extend through DEJ (8)
  11. 20. Zone adjacent to the cementum that appears granular (5)
  1. 1. Lamina limitans is high in _____ (17)
  2. 3. Most popular theory of pain transmission through dentin (12)
  3. 4. First-formed dentin (6)
  4. 5. Zones of hypomineralization (13)
  5. 6. An intracellular protein of microtubules (7)
  6. 7. Space between the odontoblastic process and the peritubular dentin (17)
  7. 10. Organic and inorganic substances can be separated by____ (12)
  8. 12. Main body of dentin (12)
  9. 19. This is viscoelastic & harder than bone (6)