Study Set #5 Words

  1. 3. To show
  2. 4. Information
  3. 6. A general idea
  4. 8. Proof
  5. 9. A way of doing something
  6. 12. An idea or set of ideas
  7. 15. Something that affects a situation
  8. 17. To make a rough judgment of something
  9. 18. large enough to be noticed
  10. 19. A length or portion of time
  1. 1. The purpose for which something exists
  2. 2. A guiding rule or belief
  3. 5. To get (from something else)
  4. 6. Unchanging
  5. 7. To know or say who or what something is
  6. 10. The way something is spread over an area
  7. 11. An explanation of the meaning of something
  8. 13. A rule or way of doing something
  9. 14. likely to change often
  10. 16. To carefully examine