- 1. During break time, you should go to _______ so you don't have to go during class time.
- 3. You need to wash your hand when you come inside the house to _______ yourself.
- 4. The bird is _______ the window! I think the bird will come inside the house!
- 6. When you study, you get more ________ to use in the future.
- 10. If you want to learn a skill to use at a work, you should take this class so you can be ready soon. For example, to work with cars.
- 13. If you move to a new country, and you want to live there, you need to apply to become a __________.
- 15. This person works hard to make food for the students.
- 18. You decided to plan a surprise birthday party for your mom, so you need to be _______ and clean up after the party.
- 19. If you are finished with the movie, you need to find the ______ door to leave.
- 21. Annie wants to study _______ in college so she can work at a company.
- 28. I don't know what class I want to take for an _____ because there are so many classes.
- 30. Are you looking for a book? Do you need help? You should go ask this person.
- 31. When the bell rings for the class, there are many students in the _________ to get to their class.
- 32. When you need to change your class, you can go to this person.
- 33. I know how to play trumpet instrument so I want to join the ________ class.
- 34. All the students at school went to the _______ to hear the principal talk.
- 38. There are many ________ classes you can take in America, for example, Chinese.
- 39. This is the place where the principal and counselors are at.
- 40. If you want to go to ski during winter time, you need to bring this to keep your eyes safe.
- 41. Today, we are going to play basketball inside the _____.
- 2. The science class is not on this floor, you need to go the ____________.
- 5. Where is the restaurant? The restaurant is ________ the coffee shop.
- 7. Do you have a fever? You need to go see this person now.
- 8. You have so many binders in your backpack, go put them in your ________.
- 9. Today, we have an experiment so I am excited to go to the _________.
- 11. When the test is over, the teacher asks me to ______ the papers and give it to her.
- 12. In this class, I like to use watercolor paint to paint.
- 14. Our school is very clean because of this person.
- 16. When you go ________ the classroom, you will find the teacher at the desk.
- 17. When you need to cut the tree, you need to wear this on your hand so you don't get hurt.
- 20. If we want to have a clean air in the future, we should do this.
- 22. When John was young, he watched his father work with computers and now, John wants to take this class to be like his father.
- 23. Sam always wanted to be a scientist and his ideal future would be to make the cure for cancer.
- 24. In this class, I learn how to use emotions like sad, mad and happy.
- 25. I love being active and playing sports so my favorite class is ___________.
- 26. I am done reading Harry Potter so I am going to the _______ to return the book.
- 27. I like to write stories and read books so in high school, I am going to take this class.
- 29. It is nice to have a ________ cousin who calls you often to ask how you are doing and helps you.
- 35. If you go _______________ you will find your math class at the end.
- 36. It's sunny right now, let's go _______ and go to the park.
- 37. This person makes sure that the school is a good place for students and teachers.