- 3. What type of questions to ask client
- 5. Blames others
- 9. Denies a problem with drugs
- 13. What progressive nature "I use to feel better"
- 15. Not currently actively using
- 16. Is considered a CNS depressant
- 18. Medication management of alcohol abstinence
- 22. If withdrawal is done "cold turkey"
- 24. Found in coffee, tea, chocolate, coke, energy drinks
- 25. The most common effect of marijuana use
- 26. Who is to be included in the treatment plan
- 27. Uses drug in larger amounts/longer time called
- 1. Mental illness combined with a chemical dependency
- 2. Ask when last time used to determine
- 4. Used in overdoses
- 6. Stopping a drug and starting back at the same dose may cause
- 7. Inhalant use disorders also known as
- 8. What progressive nature "I'm losing control"
- 10. What is a dietary deficiency you might see
- 11. Recognizing there is a problem
- 12. Removing a drug and its physiologic effects
- 14. The reaction to drugs and alcohol seen in older adults.
- 17. Combines overuse of substances with other compulsive behaviors like
- 19. A risk factor for substance abuse
- 20. What progressive nature "I use it to keep from feeling bad"
- 21. Don't have a problem with drugs
- 23. Name one level of severity.