Substance Use

  1. 3. What type of questions to ask client
  2. 5. Blames others
  3. 9. Denies a problem with drugs
  4. 13. What progressive nature "I use to feel better"
  5. 15. Not currently actively using
  6. 16. Is considered a CNS depressant
  7. 18. Medication management of alcohol abstinence
  8. 22. If withdrawal is done "cold turkey"
  9. 24. Found in coffee, tea, chocolate, coke, energy drinks
  10. 25. The most common effect of marijuana use
  11. 26. Who is to be included in the treatment plan
  12. 27. Uses drug in larger amounts/longer time called
  1. 1. Mental illness combined with a chemical dependency
  2. 2. Ask when last time used to determine
  3. 4. Used in overdoses
  4. 6. Stopping a drug and starting back at the same dose may cause
  5. 7. Inhalant use disorders also known as
  6. 8. What progressive nature "I'm losing control"
  7. 10. What is a dietary deficiency you might see
  8. 11. Recognizing there is a problem
  9. 12. Removing a drug and its physiologic effects
  10. 14. The reaction to drugs and alcohol seen in older adults.
  11. 17. Combines overuse of substances with other compulsive behaviors like
  12. 19. A risk factor for substance abuse
  13. 20. What progressive nature "I use it to keep from feeling bad"
  14. 21. Don't have a problem with drugs
  15. 23. Name one level of severity.