Subtraction Cross Number

  1. 2. 365 - 245
  2. 3. I had 458 cookies. I sold 145. How many cookies do I have left?
  3. 5. 217 - 105
  4. 6. There are 267 Malay books and 163 Tamil books. How many more Malay books are there than Tamil books?
  5. 7. 487 - 211
  6. 8. 289 minus 4 tens
  1. 1. 782 minus 2 hundreds
  2. 2. What is the difference between 375 and 203?
  3. 3. 167 - 133
  4. 4. 399 - 72
  5. 5. 788 - 626
  6. 9. There are 659 Chinese and English books in a box.230 of the books are Chinese books. How many English books are there?