
  1. 2. ary is another word for ______.
  2. 5. red blue and yellow are _____ colours.
  3. 8. dogs like to mark their _______.
  4. 10. a book that you find out meanings of words.
  5. 11. scientists make experiments in a _____.
  6. 12. my mom went to the ______ and got some flowers.
  7. 13. when you get older your memory gets worse.
  1. 1. my family and I went to the ______ to get a book.
  2. 3. we get our food at the _______ store.
  3. 4. a temple is a ______.
  4. 6. we learn french ______ at school.
  5. 7. during covid masks are _______.
  6. 9. I can't believe I won the ______, I'm rich!
  7. 10. scientists made a huge _____ when they found fossils.