Suffixes Crossword

  1. 3. My mom told me to clean my room until it was _______.
  2. 4. The blanket is so ______, it has blue, green, yellow and orange stripes.
  3. 6. The girl was so amazed by the fireworks, she was _______.
  4. 9. The _______ warrior walked into battle.
  1. 1. Memories you make with your family are ______.
  2. 2. Doing your chores at home is ________ to your family.
  3. 5. A pencil is one of the most _______ items at school.
  4. 7. The doctor said "Don't worry, this will be ______." before she gave me a shot.
  5. 8. You should be _______ in the kitchen when the stove is hot.
  6. 10. I was so full I could only eat one more ______ of ice cream.