
  1. 6. Small granules of sugar often used in baking.
  2. 7. When the pancreas does not produce any or enough insulin.
  3. 9. Sugar found within the cell structure of foods.
  4. 11. The sugar found naturally in fruit, vegetables and honey.
  5. 12. Consequence of too much sugar in the diet.
  6. 13. Consequence of a diet high in sugar.
  1. 1. Sugar we cannot see in our diet is known as h----- sugar.
  2. 2. A simple sugar that is used a source of energy in the body.
  3. 3. Hormone released to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetics often have to inject this hormone to help them.
  4. 4. Sugar should be consumed in m_________.
  5. 5. Fine powder often used for decorating.
  6. 8. Sugar added during manufacturing.
  7. 10. Common type of sugar found in caster / granulated sugar.